Live Talk Brings Real-Time Voice Conversations to LINE OpenChat

  • Real-time voice communicating for OpenChat users, up to 10,000 people
  • Anyone can join “public” Live talks without being a member of an OpenChat

LINE Corporation has launched Live talk, a new feature that enables real-time voice conversations within LINE OpenChat in the LINE application.

OpenChat provides a unique platform for users to engage in conversations and exchange information on topics of interest or relevant to their daily lives. With the introduction of the Live talk feature, OpenChat administrators and co-administrators can create interactive voice chat rooms. Users can choose to participate as “speakers,” able to address the other members of the chat, or as “listeners,” who solely listen. Furthermore, administrators can designate multiple or all participants as “speakers.” Additionally, there is a setting that enables non-participants of the OpenChat to join Live talks, facilitating the gathering of new members and fostering the communication of a wide range of information.

Joining a Live talk

To join a Live talk, follow these steps:

  1. Select the display located at the top of the chat room screen.
  2. Join the Live talk by selecting the message sent to the chat room.

How Live talk works

  1. Only administrators and co-administrators of an OpenChat can create new Live talks.
  2. The Live talk feature accommodates a maximum of 10,000 participants per Live talk, with up to 100 individuals assigned as “speakers.”
  3. Live talks can also be created within sub-chat rooms.
  4. Alternatively, it can be set as “public” allowing non-members of the OpenChat to participate.
  5. Even if you are not a member of the OpenChat, you can still join “public” Live talks as a “listener.”
  6. However, you need to be a member of the OpenChat to participate as a “speaker” or send a reaction.
  7. The permission to be a “speaker” in a Live talk can be granted to participating members.

You can refer to LINE’s help center for more details:

Creating a Live talk

Only administrators and co-administrators have the authority to create a Live talk. To initiate a Live talk, follow these steps:

  1. Select the [+] icon situated in the lower-left corner of the chat room screen.
  2. Select [Live talk].

LINE OpenChat maintains and operates guidelines to foster a safe and secure communication environment.